ComTech Advisory LLC (ComTech) will publish new version of the highly regarded and widely distributed CTRM Sourcebook last published in the 3rd quarter 2022. As with all the previous editions, this latest edition is designed to be easily readable, and provide critical information and insights that might be otherwise unavailable to companies seeking to evaluate and select new CTRM products. The most recent (2021) edition of the CTRM Sourcebook has been downloaded more than 500 times since its publication in July 2021 and is often noted by industry participants as being their first step when considering new commodity trading and risk management solutions. The ComTech CTRM Sourcebook is the definitive directory of products and vendors that service the wholesale commodities trading and risk management space. With broad coverage of all relevant vendors and products, and backed by an aggressive marketing campaign by ComTech, the CTRM Sourcebook has become the primary reference document utilized by market participants when seeking to purchase new CTRM technologies and is valuable opportunity for CTRM vendors and other advertisers to engage with prospects early in the buying process. Each of the previous versions published by ComTech have recorded more than 500 downloads annually each and, based… continue reading
Continue reading 2022 CTRM Sourcebook. This article appeared first on CTRM Center.