Agiboo CEO, Jan van den Brom, reckons it’s an exciting time to be a CTRM vendor as he sees a replacement market opening up hand-in-hand with increased demand and more commodity price volatility. “It’s the strangest time in CTRM right now,” he told me. “There is so much interest in replacing older solutions that are no longer properly supported by the vendor or where the buyer has lost confidence in the vendor.” He explains that buyers are less willing to invest in older client/server and similar technology solutions – anything older than 15-20 years – and are looking to replace with more modern, more agile and less costly solutions. “Even in some instances where the vendor has come out with a new product on modern technology, the buyers shun the upgrade and chose to go back out to the market because they have lost confidence in their vendor,” he said. Furthermore, the larger vendors now simply ignore the lower tier of potential customers he continued. “The result is that people are switching like crazy!” Agiboo seems to be benefitting from this mini boom as it is up to 30+ staff and as acquired nine new customers in the last 6… continue reading
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