“It’s busier than ever,” says Jan van den Brom of Agiboo. “We have won two new customers already this month and a nicely sized Swiss coffee company and our first ever metals customer.” Jan pointed to ex-users who had joined the metals company pushing for Agiboo even though it had no other metals customers. “Implementation has already started,” he told me. Despite this, Jan sees a number of challenges emerging and points out that Agiboo continues to invest in both the technologies they use to ensure it can be deployed out of the box with all major security features in place and add functionality like the new OTC module. “The new module took us 8-months to develop with a team as it is a very complex area but more and more customers were looking for this functionality.” Jan also has some observations about the buyers. “It seems it is more and more difficult for the buyer to indicate what they want and need,” he told me. “Back in 2005, the buyers had lost of experts involved in the process but not so much now.” He attributes this to ‘people volatility’ and the emergence of lots of new start-ups across the… continue reading
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