A conversation with Jan van den Brom of Agiboo is always fun and informative. He is quick to spot trends and this recent conversation was full of Jan’s observations and thoughts. For example, he sees much more interest in technology and architecture as a selection criterion. “The technology stack is becoming part of the selection criteria again,” he said. “It is even rapidly become a high-priority item and buyers know what technologies they want and often ask for containerization explicitly.” This isn’t the first time we have heard this as in just the last two weeks, it has come up possibly as many as six times already. Tech is hot again! As Jan said, “Some buyers even prioritize technology over functionality!” Apparently, buyers are increasingly looking for cloud, scalability, flexibility, and security. On the security side, this has only been accentuated by some high-profile ransomware attacks along with the new work from home environment where security may not be as much of a priority as it ought to be. “Basic levels of security are now mandatory requirements of course,” Jan said. However, he sees containerization as offering users huge advantages in terms of scalability, ability to distribute processes and data,… continue reading
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