During the lockdown, I have been checking in with many of the vendors to see how things are and this week was no exception as I talked with Ivan O’Toole of Amphora to see how things were. Ivan enthused about the state of play for Amphora much to my surprise given where oil prices and the news about the oil industry has been recently. “Despite the lockdown, we are on course to close a third deal while in lockdown in the oil and products space,” he told me. “We are seeing renewed interest from Africa, the Middle East and Asia for software solutions. Middle distillates are a hot topic in that market.” In other positive news, Amphora has gone live with Gail of India representing its first dedicated LNG user, he told me. “The implementation was done during the lockdown and it is now their system of record for trading & shipping.” A number of vendors have now reported successful implementations during the lockdown period and it is pleasing as an industry analyst to see how ingenuity can overcome the odds in different ways. One thing that Amphora has been doing is publishing a series of articles based on many… continue reading
Continue reading Amphora Upbeat. This article appeared first on CTRM Center.