Brady Delivers New Tolling Module as a Service

Brady PLC has promoted the idea of services for several years now with the idea being that discrete functionality could be delivered independently of its CTRM/ETRM solutions. The resulting offerings are part of its suite of CTRM services. This week, Brady announced its new Tolling module as a service in line with this approach and I spoke with Harry Knott, Brady’s Product Marketing Manager to find out more. “The Tolling module is a component that is fully integrated with the Brady Physical CTRM, but it is also usable with third-party CTRM platforms too,” he explained. “So, we can offer the Tolling module to any firm out there with a need to solve the business requirements around tolling contracts.” According to Knott, many firms are forced to use off-system approaches to solve their tolling business requirements using manual processes and spreadsheets for tracking their tolling agreements without proper audit capabilities of access controls. This is a risk and compliance problem, he told us, but there are many other potential issues associated with this approach including, for example, inventory impacts, fee calculation errors, P&L issues and so on. The Brady module helps solve all of these issues by providing the ability to… continue reading
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