Recently, ComTech had an opportunity to meet Ms. Libby Koehn, Chief Product Office at Brady PLC. Ms. Koehn joined Brady quite recently in October, 2017. After a year of refocus and internal reorganizations at Brady, Ms. Koehn is now leading the renewed charge into the commodity world with responsibility for many aspects of Brady’s business. Ms. Koehn started her career in Product Management in Silicon Valley 20+ years ago and from that time she’s “been a zealot for outcome-driven development and its power in shaping team development, product vision, execution and product culture.” Appointed as Brady’s Chief Product Officer, she now has responsibility for leading the day-to-day strategy and execution of all product-related activities and research into and identification of the long-term market needs that Brady must address to generate the highest value and return for the markets we serve. Her role spans from the “strategic to the tactile including coordinating Brady’s multi-year vision and product strategy, determining the overall portfolio of product line investments, equipping the Sales team with the tools, training and marketing assistance necessary for continued growth and profitability, aligning the pricing of its solutions to market requirements, and providing leadership and support for the entire Product Management,… continue reading
Continue reading Brady’s New CPO Sets Out New Strategies. This article appeared first on CTRM Center.