It had been a while since we last spoke with Commodities Engineering and its CEO, Jerome Seguin. Jerome told us that 2021 (and into 2022) had been a year in which the vendor had worked on phase two of its growth hiring key staff and building out processes and leadership for implementation, support and so on, as well as adding to its software functionality. One of those hires turned out to be Brian Collins who ComTech knows well and who has a great deal of expertise in the metals’ software business. The growth continues as Commodities Engineering still seeks to hire for other key roles, including a Commercial Director, I was told. “We are now beginning to promote the company and our software solution,” Jerome told me. “We continue to receive a steady stream of RFPs and there is a good deal of opportunity.” Jerome says that he still sees a lot of firms using Excel or homegrown solutions that now desire a commercial solution as there is so much more volatility, inflationary pressures, and risks to manage now. He sees this only continuing as “metals are a key component of a greener world.” Commodities Engineering has also decided to… continue reading
Continue reading Commodities Engineering Readies For Next Stage of Growth. This article appeared first on CTRM Center.