As part of its energy transition technologies practice, ComTech is undertaking an important research project into the VPP. A part of this research is a survey that we would like to invite you to take below. Your views and insights are key to understanding how the energy transition may be driving business processes, data, and software needs and certainly your input is key to developing this research. Under VPP, we understand aggregated production, flexibility of demand response and available power storage which can contribute to the grid stability and be traded on different markets. VPPs are the most straightforward way to accommodate production fluctuations in renewable energy systems. They can comprise various elements including power production, flexible consumption from industrial and commercial customers, automatically controlled electric vehicle (EV) charging, communities of prosumers, and batteries. VPPs can be established in any grid and at any location and are poised to become a crucial component of future energy systems. Our research will provide an analysis of the software technologies which are required for managing VPPs, as well as segmentation of the vendors providing this technology. As I already mentioned, ComTech Advisory is working on a study to understand industry sentiments around VPP… continue reading