Contigo tell me that they are adding staff, including a couple of more senior appointees, as they look to grow through 2017. One recent recruit is Paul Spencer who has joined as Head of Technology. Paul had previously worked as a Head of technical development since 2003 across varied markets including automotive, travel, finance, retail, and manufacturing, where his roles have been largely based on driving companies forward via innovative technologies and implementing new systems to increase efficiencies and gain richer functionality. Paul told us that his ‘aim will be to focus on product quality. We must be really proud of what we release. I am confident in our ability to increase flexibility to customers managing bespoke and hosted versions of Contigo software, as well as enriching our sophisticated product suite in our pursuit to become first choice for clients looking for ETRM solutions.’ In his most recent role (Momondo Group Cheapflights), he initially supported the company in delivering a global, highly scalable platform to support the company’s plans for global growth. Later projects included moving the platform to the Cloud, which achieved the company’s goal of zero downtime, whilst reducing costs and creating new opportunities around Big Data. He
Continue reading Contigo Adding Staff For Growth. This article appeared first on CTRM Center.