Yesterday, I visited with Mr. Simon Wheeler, CEO of Contigo. It’s been around 7-months or so since Contigo was acquired by Australian ETRM specialists – EnergyOne, so how was business? Well, it seems that Contigo is enjoying quite a busy period as Simon told me that the company had acquired five new customers in that 7-month period. These ranged from smaller retailers to traders and generators, and across three different regions of Europe including the UK, central Europe and Scandinavia. Interestingly, all of the new deals were SaaS deals. Simon also reports a robust funnel of opportunity representing all sectors and tiers of the industry but, he did suggest that many are essentially new entrants – retailers or small trader/generator entities – that have become established and need to move on beyond spreadsheets and paper to a real solution. “They have concluded that they are at the stage where they need something more than spreadsheets usually and quite often, cloud is the way to go as they have nothing to deploy a system on anyway,” he told me. I asked him also if he saw any shift in the procurement process. “It’s a mix of trial/demo and decision versus a… continue reading
Continue reading Contigo Thrives Finding Demand Across Europe. This article appeared first on CTRM Center.