Yesterday, I talked to an old colleague who now works for one of the major consultancy/SI firms. He told me that his firm had recently elevated it’s CTRM focus to a global group whereas previously any CTRM focus had been regional or national. It was anticipating a boom time for CTRM and wanted to ensure that it had a true global focus and set of expertise available. He listed off a bunch of huge entities that he claimed were about to or already had RFPs and processes ongoing to select new CTRM Software. In fact, we have been hearing much the same from many of the vendors out there as well. It does appear that we are in what I might call a CTRM software supercycle! For Patrick and myself, this is no real surprise. As the leading analysts in the space with a staggering 60+ years of experience between us, there are things happening in commodities that have had me call it the perfect storm and, all of these drivers mean that not only are firms need to modernize and upgrade their CTRM capabilities, but that the type of firm that might use a CTRM or related software is… continue reading
Continue reading CTRM Boom Times?. This article appeared first on CTRM Center.