The CTRM Conference is on October 5th in Amsterdam. This year we are co-hosted with EMART but in no way does this mean we are focussed on energy. We are simply using the good people at Synergy to help us with facility, organization and so on. Our agenda is around the topic of disruptive technologies in the CTRM space. We will commence with a keynote by Rob Pringle. Rob is well known in the industry having previously been CIO at a large gas company and he is now consulting through his own vehicle to a large oil and gas company. Known for his insightful observations around IT and commodity trading, Rob will introduce us to the topic of disruptive technologies as they apply to our space. Rob is followed by Greg Keers who is flying in from South Africa to present. Greg was one of the co-founders of KWI, a British ETRM software vendor of a few years ago. His interest in now deployment and development and he will give us a presentation on deployment and roll out of disruptive technologies. After a networking break, we will resume with Dr. Tywuschik of Baringa Partners to learn more about what is
Continue reading CTRM Conference – What You Will Learn. This article appeared first on CTRM Center.