Late last week, I talked with Carl Vellenoweth of Commoditas Partners about hiring in the commodity technology space. I wanted to get the ‘lay of the land’ in a locked down world. Apparently, there is quite some demand for contractors with coding skills as some companies look to take whatever advantage of the current situation they can by getting some development and integration work done. As Carl pointed out, cloud facilitates the ability to be ‘proactive and productive at home.’ People are looking for ‘agile staff with skills,’ he told me. Not only is the market quickly moving to a home-based virtual location, but the interviewing process is also changing. It is also now remote with quicker onboarding says Carl. The role of the implementation consultant is also changing with consumers seemingly relying less on big consulting shops or vendor professional services instead seeking more cost effective and agile contractors and looking to fill functionality holes with custom solutions and with a focus on integration of ecosystem components. In terms of the vendor landscape, Carl isn’t seeing a lot of current opportunity around Ion software products and some of the other established vendors but did single out Beacon as a… continue reading
Continue reading CTRM Consulting in a Lock Down. This article appeared first on CTRM Center.