Patrick and I like to develop themes for each year and back last year, our theme was CTRM as an Architecture. We kicked off the year with a white paper of that very title. It dealt initially with definitions of CTRM and Commodity Management, but then developed the concept of CTRM not as an all singing application but as an architecture of horizontal and vertical components. The paper can be downloaded here. I’m not sure that our thinking really got out there in a big way but it was very pleasing to visit with Generation10 just before Christmas and start to hear its vision of an ecosystem of applications covering commodity management. It was even more surprising then to hear people like Powel and others talk about the idea of CTRM ecosystems in our first CTRMRadio podcast edition. It does seem to be a concept that is gaining a foothold. In reality, all through 2017, we were introduced to what we call ‘platform plays’ as well. People like Beacon and Anydata who have devised and built a platform on which applications can be rapidly delivered and deployed – usually in the cloud. For Anydata, the focus has been in and… continue reading
Continue reading CTRM Ecosystems. This article appeared first on CTRM Center.