The CTRM Sourcebook has become one of the staple tools people use to help them do software selections – if not THE tool. It gets downloaded more often than anything else on this website. We go through an update process every summer and we are just in the midst of sending out the prospectus for the 2021 version. However, if your firm would like to list your CTRM-related product in the book or advertise your services around CTRM to the readers and users of the Sourcebook, please let us know and we will send you a prospectus immediately. Once you send the prospectus order form back to us, we can send out the listing materials and/or advertising requirements. We have more than 40 products listed each year and we would love to see it grow to even more products in 2021. Meanwhile, we are working on the disruptive technology report. We aim to get it out by the summer but…. we would still like your input in the form of answering some questions. It takes on average 7 minutes to get through them and you can find the questions here. Many thanks for your participation.
Continue reading CTRM Sourcebook for 2021. This article appeared first on CTRM Center.