CTRMCubed is one of several newer vendors that have come to market recently. Led by Simon Piercy and his vision of an affordable, cloud-based CTRM and an associated ecosystem of applications built by a variety of different providers from an app store, the product is now being actively used as well as looked at by prospective users from across the European industry. His concept is now live and called TradeCube, “an instant setup, pre-configured self-service CTRM platform, ready for use out of the box. No long-term contract, no exorbitant fees, no fuss. Just sign-up and use,” he tells me. “We have been making steady progress,” he says. “We have our first proper clients using the system as well as a bunch of those taking a look at TradeCube via a free trial.” We are seeing interest in what we have delivered and a lot of that seems to be in the form of prospective partners developing tools and applications for the app store. They often also pass leads to us as well.” Now, CTRMCubed is getting more focused on the marketing side and has hired a marketing resource who has helped redevelop the website, started to develop content including videos,… continue reading
Continue reading CTRMCubed Makes Progress and Readies for Marketing Push. This article appeared first on CTRM Center.