When Drillinginfo acquired Datagenic in October of last year, its CEO and President, Jeff Hughes, said “we’re acquiring DataGenic because of their unique ability to extract actionable intelligence from the information noise and the downside of what ‘big data’ brings.” It had previously acquired MarketView in 2016 and it was plain that the combination of MarketView and Datagenic would make for some interesting synergies. So it was little surprise to read late last week an announcement from Drillinginfo regarding a real-time curve-building product that combines “the cutting-edge market data management platform of MarketView with the complex forward-curve capabilities of recently-acquired DataGenic.” MarketView’s CurveBuilder is a “product focused on addressing the underserved needs of energy traders, analysts, and risk management officers,” deigned to provide greater price visibility via an enhanced capability to create and easily share, real-time, synthetic forward curves. Interestingly, the announcement focused in on LNG markets as an example, which has no established forward price curve. Here, the tool will allow the forward price curve to be built from price and cost inputs associated with buying natural gas, liquefying, transporting and re-gasifying, according to Juan Pedraja, VP Professional Services for trading & risk. The MarketView Curvebuilder includes a robust,… continue reading
Continue reading DrillingInfo Quick to Leverage MarketView and Datagenic – Launches MarketView Curvebuilder. This article appeared first on CTRM Center.