It had been quite a long time since we spoke with e·Opt and Rajeev Bhatt, but an email alerting us to e·Opt’s new website gave us the opportunity to reconnect. e·Opt was set up in 2008 in Mannheim, Germany and focuses exclusively on the energy vertical. It has established itself as a key player in the German market in particular with an impressive tally of customers. This was my first question – how had it been able to do so well in those German markets which many vendors from the US, UK and elsewhere found highly opaque and difficult to penetrate. “Our customers have faith in us and spread the word around,” he told me. “We focus on providing solutions that are best suited to the customers’ needs, rather than pushing what we have. We listen to the challenges that they face and provide solutions.” Certainly, looking at the customer list on their website, e·Opt has done remarkably well in the German markets. e·Opt markets the PriceHub suite, which serves the Western and Central European energy markets with a set of modules that individually complement conventional ETRM/PM systems. Each module is designed to address a specific business challenge and the… continue reading
Continue reading e·Opt Solutions – Digitizing the Workflow. This article appeared first on CTRM Center.