Almost all vendors are reporting busy markets, and full sales pipelines at the moment and EGSSIS see similar activity in the markets: “There are lots of projects, RFPs, requests, and many projects that went dormant last year are back on the agenda,” says EGSSIS’ Dries Lamont. “We have already signed two new customers in Germany and The Netherlands, with many more in the pipeline.” The interest is coming from both new and existing customers. Apparently, EGSSIS is also doing a lot more custom work for its customers who seek purpose-built SaaS solutions for gas or power operations. “We have strengthened our IT staff to be in a better position to take on more of these projects as the demand is there,” Dries told me. “We have adopted an agile development approach, and more and more customers are outsourcing development projects to us.” Many changes in different markets are also driving interest, for example, EDIGAS changes in France and MIG6 in Belgium. These changes bring customers in for modifications and updates, of course. “With market communication changes occurring all of the time, many see adopting a commercial solution as opposed to building their own as the way to go. It requires… continue reading
Continue reading EGSSIS Stays Busy. This article appeared first on CTRM Center.