Robert Balinski is VP Services for Enuit based in Houston having joined Enuit last summer. We were discussing remote implementation, a topic of interest in these days of lockdowns. Robert has 20-years or more experience with various CTRM software packages and implementation that he draws upon.“We were in the middle of a project to implement Entrade for crude oil trading with a client when it happened,” he told me. “The last time anyone was onsite was February 2020 and within a week, the project had transformed into a remote implementation. The go live did get delayed a couple of months but that was really down to their IT staff needing to react to the situation and ensure continuity for workforce that was suddenly home based. We managed with Teams and Go to meeting-type services and got them up and running remotely.” Another project he recalls very well involved a small natural gas trader that was “extremely budget conscious so they asked to buy the license and implement it themselves,” he told me. Enuit offered remote services as needed to help them with the implementation should they need it. “Three months later, they were up and running and I think this… continue reading
Continue reading Enuit Discusses Remote Implementations. This article appeared first on CTRM Center.