I’m here in Budapest attending the ETCSEE Conference. It seems well attended and the morning sessions were interesting. I’m writing this during a break. However, the initial presentation by the Head of Wholesale Markets, European Commission, Mr. Florian Ermacora, was an interesting talk outlining the new electricity design for Europe – an update, he basically enunciated the two overarching concerns of the European Commission in its approach; namely, security of supply and decarbonization of the market. An integrated European market remains the goal of course. He pointed out that renewables play a large role in the power market here but insists that state aid for renewables will not work and that a level playing field is required going forward. He also pointed to state aid for conventional generation is often used by states as a security of supply measure. He looks for more intra-day, day-ahead and balancing markets for renewables with shorter-term pricing signals and stated that the European Parliament remains sympathetic to priority dispatch for renewables. The commission is unhappy with regulated prices where in some countries, it faces stiff resistance and regulated retail prices are still popular and said that if retail customers cannot choose a supplier in… continue reading
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