In a post GDPR world, vendor marketing themes and modes have changed as we have commented on before however, not only has the means of getting a message to market shifted, but the messages have also changed. Last week, a news announcement crossed my desk from Contigo, the UK-based ETRM and related software supplier, that focused on the cost and ease of implementations. The announcement focused on a combination of vendor research and expertise to discuss six factors that Contigo believes influence the time it takes to implement software and promoted a white paper download from its site. It is an interesting read and was supported by statements from a customer – Co op Energy – that make the whole message more compelling. Contigo have recognized a trend around implementation and cost that has increasingly become a theme in recent years and months. In fact, in our shortly to be released Vendor Perception Survey, it is plainly apparent that buying criteria such as cost and implementation have increased in priority in both the way buyers and influencers (Consultants and Integrators) see the world. Of course, a focus on implementation and cost or on speed and ease of implementation has also… continue reading
Continue reading Focus Switches to Implementation Time and Costs. This article appeared first on CTRM Center.