Periodically, we perform online surveys. Historically, we have used SurveyMonkey. It’s a reasonable tool with far too much generic functionality for our specific needs but nonetheless, still usable. But we won’t be using them again. Here is why. Last year, I went for a paid option for our vendor perception study. The cheapest solution for our needs for that survey was an annual subscription which I happily paid. Having performed the survey, produced the report and so on, I gave SurveyMonkey no more thought. That is until this morning…. when I received an email saying I had been billed 10,500CZK for my annual recurring subscription! Wait a minute – recurring? I didn’t ask for it to be recurring. I chose a one-time subscription. OK, well simple to fix. Go to the website, talk to support and get a refund. Simple right? Wrong. Contact Us it says. But if you click contact us, it takes you to a Q&A. If your answer isn’t there, you can ask again to contact them. Except it takes you back to the page you just left. I.e. There is no way to contact the firm at all – no email, no phone number. NOTHING. I… continue reading
Continue reading How to Permanently Lose Your Customers’ Business. This article appeared first on CTRM Center.