We received an mass mailed email this morning from a vendor who said that “ComTech Advisory gave us top marks for platform functionality across asset classes…”. The links associated with this email direct readers to download a document containing a table produced by that vendor, using data extracted from Commodity Technology Advisory’s 2020 CTRM Sourcebook – and specifically the section titled “Summary of Vendor Functional Coverage – Percentage by Commodity” (page 7 of the report). As noted in the introduction to that Sourcebook summary chart, the chart “is a summation of the individual functional matrices submitted by each vendor.” Again, the information contained in that Sourcebook chart is calculated using data supplied by the vendors themselves in their individual Sourcebook listing submissions. ComTech did not “give top marks” or “award a score” or make any judgements as to the capabilities of any vendor or product based on that data. Additionally, ComTech is not implying, nor intending to in any way indicate, that any vendor leads in any category of functionality based on the vendor-supplied information in the Sourcebook. Any statements that ComTech has made any judgements as to the capabilities of any vendor based on that vendor’s own self-scored data… continue reading
Continue reading Important Note Regarding the CTRM Sourcebook. This article appeared first on CTRM Center.