We caught up with iRely again about a week ago. They were very keen to extoll the virtues of integrated accounting and Commodity Management/CTRM. “We have always had integrated accounting within the iRely solution,” iRely’s Sanjit Paul told us. “Many of our US customers have been using it for quite some time and now we are seeing interest in other geographies like Europe. We have 30-years of experience in the US of supply an integrated accounting/CM solution.” He told us that traditionally, many prospects use local accounting solutions and need to integrate. However, the integration is not easy and often ends up taking a lot of time and money to pull off. “The combination of the accounting and commodity management functionality is rapidly becoming a very interesting value proposition for iRely,” said iRely’s George Olney. “We are already implementing the entire solution for a large customer in Europe in the soft commodities space.” ComTech cannot but agree that the integration of CM/CTRM with accounting solutions can be both problematic and expensive. In fact, we often hear that this interface or integration is routinely underestimated. As George told us, “Accruals and schedules are being accounted for and integrated and we are… continue reading
Continue reading iRely Sees CM/CTRM-Accounting Integration as Key. This article appeared first on CTRM Center.