It’s an opportunity laden market and iRely are one of the vendors we have spoken to in recent weeks who are seeing filled sales pipelines and who are very busy with multiple sales processes. “I don’t think I have ever seen it so active and many of the deals are also well placed for iRely,” said iRely’s Sanjit Paul. “There are also quite a few larger opportunities in flow now that should close later in the year.” It is true that a lot of the opportunities are smaller opportunities, but this really reflects the shift in the market overall that ComTech has long commented on. I.e., fewer top tier companies and many more smaller niche firms in the bottom tier being pushed into new systems as a result of things like stakeholder pressure and work from home, for example. Meanwhile, iRely continues to close deals in areas like petrochemicals and grains. “We are seeing a lot more recognition of iRely as a premium vendor in the ags market as well,” he said. “We believe that we add a lot of value, and we are not in this for the short-term. Our owners are not PE or VC seeking a quick… continue reading
Continue reading iRely Sees Strong Market. This article appeared first on CTRM Center.