Marketing and communications has always been a fascination for me and I have done my stint as a VP of marketing – a role I thoroughly enjoyed. That was now many years ago and this morning, I have been wondering about marcom now. Things have changed with social media and the vast array of competing messages. For me, twitter sort of sums up my feeling that marcom is becoming a game of sitting atop a mountain shouting soundbites as loud and as often as possible in an indiscriminate manner! All very well except that every man, woman and dog is also doing the same thing. Add into the mix the EU legislation around privacy in the form of GDPR, under which you essentially lose the easy ability to use email as a marcom tool, and you start to wonder just how to get a message out at all? Whenever I am asked about go to market strategy, I find myself telling the same story. Years ago, when I visited Europe from the US, I kept seeing billboards and signs on park benches – almost everywhere for something called ‘ING’. I’d never heard of ING at that time and was clueless… continue reading
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