I recently spoke to Dr. Chris Strickland, CEO of Lacima. Lacima has today announced a new product line in Lacima Trader and he was keen to update us with regard to that launch. Lacima’s main product has been Lacima Analytics, which provides comprehensive functionality for risk management, valuation and optimisation in a single, modular application for global energy markets. Lacima Analytics has had good uptake across the industry and it bolsters the RM in ETRM, an area of weakness in many ETRM applications. However, Chris was keen to target the trader and pre-trade side of things with a similar suite of robust analytical tools; hence Lacima Trader. As Chris pointed out, very often the spreadsheets, homegrown and third-party tools used in trading to structure and value deals provide different results to the risk department’s post-trade tools causing a headache for all involved. Discrepancies have to be explained. Lacima Trader tools use the same sophisticated numerical engines that Lacima analytics does providing consistency between trading and risk. Chris pointed out that the tools, which initially include Simulation, Curve, Pricer and Storage, offer very rapid set-up, within one-day, and are easy to learn with a very familiar Excel interface. Several new products
Continue reading Lacima Targets the Trader’s Desktop with New Risk Tools. This article appeared first on CTRM Center.