A Commodity Technology Advisory ComTechAlert Article June 26, 2013 ComTech Advisory is beginning to pull together the granular analysis that is the foundation of our E/CTRM Technology Market Sizing Report due out in the next several weeks. In determining an estimate for market size, we examine not only the current activity in the market, but also historical activity in that it provides a sanity check on our data and also forms the basis for plotting the trajectory of current and out years’ activity. Additionally, we spend quite a bit of time and effort examining forward looking trends, in both technology and the wholesale commodity markets, that will impact the ability of vendors to sell product from the beginning of this year through the end of 2018. In our E/CTRM technology market sizing exercise, any individual wholesale commodity trading market trend must be examined in the context of the individual segments, and even sub-segments, that comprise the overall market. For example, natural gas and power in North America are the most mature commodity markets for physically oriented trading systems, and as such, they have the highest vendor-supplied product penetration of any of the commodities or geographies that make up the global … continue reading
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