Climate change, as any non-politically inclined geologist will tell you, is a naturally occurring phenomena of a living planet Earth. The climate has changed and relative sea levels risen and fallen for millennia. Strangely enough, these geological climate changes and sea level movements have shown no correlation with CO2 content of the atmosphere. Yet, this fact is simply ignored in the political and increasingly populist, crusade against fossil fuels. Today, more lunacy from those that subscribe to the idea that minute amounts of CO2 added to the atmosphere are causing well, the same sort of changing climate this planet has always experienced. Yes, city governments are suing big oil for damages for their role in the vary natural phenomena of rising sea levels (if in fact, sea levels are rising at all). A Reuters story posted to CTRMCenter this morning states – New York City announced on Wednesday that it filed a multibillion dollar lawsuit against five top oil companies, citing their “contributions to global warming,” as it said it would divest fossil fuel investments from its $189 billion public pension funds over the next five years. The lawsuit, against BP Plc, Chevron Corp, ConocoPhillips, Exxon Mobil Corp and Royal
Continue reading More Climate Change Lunacy. This article appeared first on CTRM Center.