MTX Commodities was established in 2013 in Turkey but recently (2018) it has opened an office in London as it tries to build on the success that it has had to date. It got started by Ms. Melis Aksari who saw the need to build an ETRM in Turkey to cater for that market. ”Turkish traders have a particular culture and set of needs that just wasn’t able to be met by the usual suspects out of the US and UK,” she told me. “So, we decided to build something, and we now have 90% of the Turkish market.” The company recruited a CEO in the form of ex-Trayport Mr. Paul Constantinou and opened a London office in a bid to expand. Ms. Aksari is the COO of MTX Commodities. MTX actually provides a suite of products already to support the operations of market operators, traders, portfolio managers, risk managers and analysts, that includes not just a cloud native ETRM solution but, An exchange solution for small and mid-scale energy and commodity exchanges, A specialist trading platform for the operation of OTC energy and commodity markets in both bilateral and cleared mode, An electronic trading platform for OTC and Exchange markets,… continue reading
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