In the past, the typical CTRM procurement often involved long and expensive RFIs and RFPs, demonstrations, scorings and decisions. With the advent of the cloud along with all of the issues and challenges faced by commodity-focused businesses today, this is undoubtedly changing. Disruptive technologies cannot succeed with equal innovation in procurement, delivery and even development. In the last few days, I have spoken to people from across the industry who are confirming that a set of new procurement trends are emerging; The proof of concept – a paid or free proof of concept allows users and decision makers not just to evaluate a particular solution but also prepare a business case for investment. Solutions delivered in the cloud may be relatively easily made available for trial and/or proof of concepts so it is relatively cost effective for all concerned, Co-development is another route I am hearing about in which a solution provider with the technology and ability to deliver partners with a customer or group of customers in order to develop a more specific solution and help the customer understand their needs. Again, there is cost effectiveness in this option in that the solution provider already has the technology platform
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