We haven’t blogged much in the last week or so and for a good reason. Last week, I began to feel strangely tired after our return for Amsterdam (CTRM Conference). By Thursday, I had developed one of the worst head colds I have had the misfortune to catch. I could barely get out of bed and that only to top up my hot tea and honey and reach for more tissues….. The weekend was a blur of sleep, nose blowing and feeling like I was in a coma. Even today, my head feels like cotton wool and I cannot think straight. It has been an awful bug and I have postponed calls, work and blogging as a result. I do feel better today though although I am coughing like a dog. A couple of days ago, I sent Patrick an email saying I was down and out for the count only to receive an email back saying so was he! Apparently, we both caught this virus in Amsterdam. He seems to be a day or so behind me and is pretty sick too at the moment. I don’t usually tell the world we are sick but given the lack of
Continue reading Normal Service Will Shortly be Resumed. This article appeared first on CTRM Center.