One Month To Go

There is now just one month to go before the 2017 CTRM Conference in Amsterdam. The early bird discount on registrations is good for another two weeks…. The agenda is final and extremely compelling and anyone who is involved in any aspect of commodity trading and risk management should be attending this conference. Not only will you learn a great deal from leading businesses in the space but you will also get superb networking opportunities with people from companies like Baringa, Shell, COFCO, Aspect, Agiboo, Contigo, Pioneer, CTRM Cubed, DataGenic, ROITI, Capspire, and many, many more. We are also still open to sponsorships to give your company great visibility before, during and after the Conference but we are coming up against a deadline for signage and so on, so if interested, please let us know ASAP. See you there.   Register as follows; 1 person 5 person   Many thanks to sponsors Aspect, Pioneer Solutions, EnergyOne and Agiboo.
Continue reading One Month To Go. This article appeared first on CTRM Center.