Every day I select a bunch of news articles for posting on here on CTRMCenter and in recent days the theme of these has become increasingly obvious – Commodity prices are crashing hammered by a variety of factors ranging from over supply, weakened Asian demand, stronger US Dollar, The Iran Nuclear deal, the ongoing Grexit saga, and more besides. To say the barrage of negative commodity news is depressing is an under statement. Of course, the media enjoys a good doom and gloom story and Commodities is it for the moment. Actually, if you cover commodities one understands that there are bright spots and it isn’t all doom and gloom. Natural gas is one area where prices haven’t collapsed and prices remain somewhat robust. Other rare bright spots in the commodities markets include gasoline futures, which have climbed as an improving U.S. economy boosted driving demand more than expected, ethanol, cotton, which has gained amid rising U.S. exports and some other agricultural commodities. Despite all the doom and gloom predictions and daily churning of the Commodities Crash and Burn news headlines, inevitably the cycle will at some point reverse. It always does but it may not happen soon. “Commodities could … continue reading
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