Since the founding of Commodity Technology Advisory (and before that at our predecessor organization CommodityPoint) we have had the policy of providing our research reports free of charge, meaning that if you simply sign into our websites ( or, you can download, or view online, any of our reports. Instead of trying to capture revenues generated through sales of a document that would cost several thousand dollars to purchase, we offer research sponsors and advertisers the opportunity to get the widest possible exposure for their products and services in clearly marked and identified advertisements within those free-to-access reports. None of the sponsors or advertisers influence the outcome of our research in any way, but they definitely benefit from the expose their brands get from the ads and sponsor listings in the reports. This is a unique model in the analyst space – one that we feel provides not only the best coverage of the market, but also ensures the highest value for those sponsors/advertisers by providing the widest possible distribution and most “eyeballs” for their investments. Instead of selling a few reports for $3000 or more a copy, we distribute literally thousands of downloads or on-line views to technology … continue reading
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