Over the last 20-years, there have been moments when I have looked back and realized everything had changed. Sometimes, these moments of change were somewhat obvious; the collapse of Enron and the merchant sector, the entry of the financial speculators and the beginnings of the so-called commodity super cycle and the financial crisis are all good examples. Other events were not so obvious until later such as the movement from E to C in CTRM that took place over a period of time non the less, these dislocation events, as we have termed them in the past, are very real and have significant impact on the industry. I think we are stood on the cusp of a very major dislocation event right now and one that will have far reaching consequences for vendors, products, technologies, methodologies and more. It may well be that it has really already begun and it is the early impact that we see. Let me explain why. 1. With the exit (by and large) of the banks and a more or less saturated top tier from an E/CTRM software perspective, the huge license deals – even the medium-sized license deals are now far and few between. … continue reading
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