I had the opportunity to review a pre-release version of Molecule’s ETRM/CTRM Transformation & Modernization report which they have published today. They compiled feedback from over 200 participants across the industry including producers, consumers and traders across a broad range of commodities. One of the key takeaways of...
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Having worked as an executive director for a proprietary trading firm for a period, I am only too aware of how good risk management intentions can be nullified by culture and attitude. Managing risk isn’t just about having processes in place, analytics and so on, it is about...
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Commverse is a boutique consultancy focused on the CTRM and ETRM space. Founded in 2022 by a group of senior ex-CTRM software and industry executives. It has grown steadily and now has around 25 staff providing services. I spoke recently with cofounder and CEO, Sanjay Singla, about the...
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Fred Bendle, the CEO of Inatech, has been involved with the business every step of the way since helping to establish the vendor while still at Glencore. More recently, after Inatech’s acquisition by ValSoft, he has stepped into the CEO role, which he describes as ‘challenging’. In fact,...
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Phlo systems offers a solution to help manage customs requirements from and to the UK or the Netherlands via TradePhlo, an AI-driven platform for self-declaration or managed declaration. I had never seen a customs solution and so I wondered what it was and how it worked. To find...
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ComTech Advisory LLC (ComTech) will publish a new, expanded version of the highly regarded and widely distributed CTRM Sourcebook last published in the 3rd quarter 2023. As with all the previous editions, this latest edition is designed to be easily readable, and provide critical information and insights that...
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While many be somewhat aware that China, Russia and other BRICS nations are supposedly trying to create an alternative petrocurrency to the US Dollar, like me, they not have much clue as to how this may play out. Well, as it turns out, it isn’t the emergence of...
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A vendor that has significant longevity and that celebrated its 27th years anniversary this year – so long in fact that even I competed with it back in my days at TransEnergy – is Amphora. In the relatively recent past, Amphora was the subject of a change of...
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ComTech Advisory LLC is excited to announce the launch of the first survey focused on energy transition technologies. The survey aims to gather opinions and data on the adoption, challenges, and opportunities related to solutions supporting the energy transition. Your participation will provide valuable input to the market...
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It’s no secret that commodity traders have had back-to-back record years in terms of profits. According to Oliver Wyman, profits likely exceeded $100 billion in 2022, enabling commodity traders to take a longer term investment perspective and increasing their importance in global markets. “Commodity traders are working more...
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