Security Built in from Day One at VAKT

These days, security of data – particularly digital data – is a key concern. As many adopt SaaS solutions in the cloud and applications are often hosted outside of their own premises, security of that data is also increasingly important. So, when VAKT got started a few years ago, not only did it resolve to utilize blockchain, “but it also built everything it did around security,” said Nicholas Secrier, VAKTs’ security head. “In fact, I was employee number three – security was seen as that important!” As he told me. “The industry has and will be the subject of attacks and so security is paramount.”  Security posture was seen as critical to the successful adoption by VAKTs’ growing customer list and so there was a security roadmap in place from day one that is constantly being updated. With a global set of customers, VAKT also had to understand and be compliant with different standards and attestations like the ISO27001 standard or SOC2 and, it had to adopt the right security posture to satisfy customers but without hindering or placing roadblocks in front of VAKTs’ development. Nicholas is clear that security is not simply about adhering to a standard but is… continue reading