When ComTech puts out a research report, it is free of charge. More importantly perhaps, we don’t collect any information about who is downloading and using the research. This means its really easy to download our research and thousands of you do for each and every report. However, we can’t actually produce research reports without asking you for your opinions sometimes. Yes – YOU! We really need your opinions at the moment around risk management in out relatively short survey on the topic. I doubt it will take more than 5 minutes at most to complete and you will be able to get the final report, when ready, absolutely free of charge. Now, we are only seeking responses from end user companies – banks, funds, utilities, oil & gas companies, C&I end users, retailers, generators, farmers, ag. producers, petrochemicals and so on. So, if you work for a company like that, would you take a few moments of your valuable time and fill out our snapshot survey for us please? Now, we will ask you for a few verifiable details like your email address but we won’t abuse it. We do this simply to be sure that you are an
Continue reading Still Seeking Your Views On Risk…. This article appeared first on CTRM Center.