We have just released the 2020 Sourcebook of CTRM Software Suppliers and Products. This latest addition, with a newly enhanced layout, contains 39 product listing from 31 different vendors and is the most comprehensive and detailed examination of CTRM vendors and their products available anywhere. This new version is designed to be easily readable and provide critical information and insights that might otherwise be unavailable to those companies seeking to evaluate and select new CTRM products. Each product listing includes: The name of the vendor and contact information Company and product information including each vendors’ submitted company and product description Total installed base by licensed customer companies A representative list of user companies for the product A graphic showing client distribution by common industry segment A graphic showing the distribution of current clients by geography A graphical matrix providing an overview of the product’s capabilities, by function (horizontal axis), by commodity (vertical axis) Deployment methods of the highlighted product(s) Office locations and contact phone numbers Additionally, the 2020 Sourcebook includes an “at a glance” summary of the listed vendors/products that can assist in quickly identifying a pool of potential vendors based on their functional coverage of the various commodities. As… continue reading
Continue reading The 2020 CTRM Sourcebook is now available. This article appeared first on CTRM Center.