As more CTRM vendors and customers look at moving their systems into the cloud, its worth noting that Amazon Web Services (AWS) just wrapped-up their latest Amazon cloud conference, titled re:Invent, and announced a bunch of interesting “cloud stuff”. The event, covered nicely in a summary slideshow by Network World, featured the roll-out of a number of new services – some that software developers can use to enhance their cloud capabilities or to create dedicated Amazon cloud solutions; others that allow developers and users to more easily access their cloud data and/or analyze it on-line; and they debuted a big truck that lets you haul your data into the cloud. That’s right, a truck. Amazon now allows you to throw a big data hose in the back of a truck (called the AWS Snowmachine), fill it up with bits and bytes, and haul it all from your data center to the cloud. I have to say, data transmission via 18-wheeler doesn’t really feel like progress to me, even if it can carry an exabyte of data (a billion gigabytes). A couple of different media outlets have noted an interesting factoid from the event – right now, Amazon servers cover an
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