In countries like the UK and Germany where renewables have become a large component of the generation mix, bringing on new assets and getting them to operate profitably has increased in importance. Wind, solar and other renewables generation can, of course, be relatively unpredictable and relatively small, and so storage assets are also being deployed to provide more flexibility. In a rapidly emerging picture of smart grids, smart devices, renewables, and storage, a lot can yet morph and change including the consumer’s role, which is also changing rapidly to one of prosumer and, in the case of EV’s, potentially as a storage opportunity as well as consumer. At the same time, utilities are also being redefined and are having to seek new business opportunities that can include anything from ancillary services to data provision. Everything is changing and it is changing rapidly. Set against this change are a number of new software opportunities that are beginning to emerge. In recent weeks, ComTech has had briefings from a number of firms looking at the opportunities provided by this evolutionary trend in the UK power industry. We will write separate articles about each of them in the next few weeks as follow… continue reading
Continue reading The Coming Transformation of Asset Optimization. This article appeared first on CTRM Center.