Today, I’m going slightly off-topic, and yet it really isn’t. I want to talk about customer support. These days, a lot of support is provided in the following way. Firstly, you are required to browse a library of answers to common problems. There may be some logic built in however usually I cannot find the issue that I am having so what is the next step? Usually, it is to contact a real support person but the problem is that the support number or email is often hidden deep in the support side of the website. They really DO want you to self-support spending your valuable time digging in their library of (usually totally obvious and unhelpful) answers. So, add another 5 minutes of frustration trying to find the way to contact a real person. Some companies use a messaging system to talk with support and actually, at times, I have found this highly effective. For example, I have gotten pretty good support from Amazon via this route when an order hasn’t shown up or whatever. But for software support? I’m not convinced. I want to talk to a real person. That is what I mean by support. Having dug… continue reading
Continue reading The New World of Support?. This article appeared first on CTRM Center.