Today’s blog is sort of off topic and yet – it is on topic too. As I scanned the news on Reuters and other outlets for interesting news to post here, I got sucked into the Trump visit to the UK. In particular, I was struck by the protests and the protesters themselves. For weeks, the Pro-Brexit side has been pumping up a trade deal with the US while the anti-Brexit side has been painting a picture of American hormone-rich beef, chlorinated chicken and ‘worse than anything’ – the take over of the National Health Service by sinister American private health outfits who would sell your kidney while you were not looking to make a profit. So, what do I see and read about …. people protesting in all seriousness chlorinated chicken imports and the US take over of the national health service. It made me realize that for many the world is a black and white place. They read it in the paper or on the news and believe it. Perhaps, they have spent the last two years inside their own poisonous echo chamber on Facebook or increasingly these days I am afraid – Linked in. I do, in… continue reading
Continue reading The Zombie Invasion Happened – No One Noticed. This article appeared first on CTRM Center.