Over the last 20-years, CTRM solution providers have worked diligently to improve their product capabilities and expand their market reach, with some seeking to bring to market an “all singing, all dancing” solution that would get them in the door at just about any prospect of decent size that transacted in any commodity. At the same time, there have been trading shops and commodity companies (both large and small…but generally large), that haven’t been satisfied with what was available from the vendor community and have tried to build their own “Holy Grail” CTRM solution. A few of them succeeded (at least somewhat), but most failed (some spectacularly) as producing software that modeled part or all of the complex and dynamic business processes of the global commodity industry proved a puzzle too expensive and time consuming to solve. Is this to say there aren’t any good vendor supplied multi-commodity systems available? Absolutely not. There are several mature and comprehensive products on the market that can address a multitude of commonly traded commodities or groups of commodities (like energies) in great detail and depth. And, there are vendors that can pull together multiple products within their own portfolios of software to create
Continue reading Thinking about CTRM Architecturally – A new ComTech Whitepaper. This article appeared first on CTRM Center.