One of my routine search terms when looking at news is traceability. The ability to trace something back to its point of origin is increasingly important for a variety of reasons that ComTech has covered in other blog posts and white papers but, today two news stories caught my eye. They were about improving traceability to increase profit margins. The first story is about a brand of Australian grain-fed beef aimed at the Japanese market. By focusing on the brand of Australian grain-fed beef as safe, natural and quality assured, the company is able to avoid the mainstream, bulk grain fed market which is highly price driven by offering a premium offer with a ‘fully-integrated supply chain story behind the brand’. Essentially, the ability to prove and track origin via traceability allows the company to transcend the beef as a commodity market and offer a premium priced speciality product. In another meat-focused article, a Canadian Cow-Calf operator argues for a feedback loop in the traceability systems being set up in Canada by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA), which has proposed changes to the Health of Animals Act regulations that include mandatory animal identification and movement reporting requirements for cattle, bison,… continue reading
Continue reading Traceability = Increased Profits. This article appeared first on CTRM Center.