Traceability is rapidly becoming or is already a major issue for many commodities. The widely accepted definition of traceability from the International Organization for Standards (ISO) is as follows, “The ability to identify and trace the history, distribution, location and application of products, parts and materials, to ensure the reliability of sustainability claims, in the areas of human rights, labour (including health & safety), the environment and anti-corruption.” However, brand protection is also an important aspect of traceability. A wide swathe of regulation, consumer demand and advocacy is driving traceability across almost every aspect of the commodities industry. A quick review of traceability on Google this morning highlights the point with recent articles regarding, – Cattle and livestock traceability where producers are already required to maintain records that show the origin for many classes of cattle when entering interstate commerce and not going directly to slaughter, – The EU considering new rules on traceability and security of tobacco products, – Discussion around the use of ear tags for traceability of sheep and goats in Australia, – A new program to make the US Seafood supply chain more traceable. Importers will be required to report information and maintain records about the
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