TRADESPARENT continues to grow and is expanding in the US and Asia, Norbert Verhagen told me in a recent catch up call. The company has just completed a rebranding to better reflect what it believes to be its differentiation and capabilities; offering data and analytics solutions. Our mission is “to assist companies in unlocking the full potential of their data through the creation of a One Single Source of Truth Data Repository and the application of intelligent analytics to bring their data to life,” Mr. Verhagen told me. Now with 10 customers, including a number of prestigious brands in the ags & softs space, it has found mileage on the regulatory reporting side of things as well as the risk and analytics side by virtue of its single trade repository approach and architecture. “It is a fully integrated data integration / reporting solution specific for commodity businesses,” he said. Its solution offers a way to extract relevant trade and other data from underlying CTRM’s and other applications and bring that data into a data repository where it can then be accessed and reported on in many different ways through a usable user interface. Initially focused on providing enterprise risk reporting… continue reading
Continue reading TRADESPARENT Broadens its Scope. This article appeared first on CTRM Center.